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    By Activity Location
    |февраля 19, 2025
    |Tours & Activities - Istanbul

    Sultanahmet: The Heart of Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula

    Located in Istanbul’s historic peninsula, Sultanahmet is one of the city’s most important cultural and historical areas. This region is filled with some of the world’s most famous historical structures, such as Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace. Sultanahmet Square is the heart of Istanbul, both historically and architecturally.

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    Located in Istanbul’s historic peninsula, Sultanahmet is one of the city’s most important cultural and historical areas. This region is filled with some of the world’s most famous historical structures, such as Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace. Sultanahmet Square is the heart of Istanbul, both historically and architecturally. If you’re planning a trip to Istanbul, you cannot leave without visiting Sultanahmet. In this article, you’ll explore the history of Sultanahmet, its important structures, and the must-see places. The History and Significance of Sultanahmet Sultanahmet was built on the site of a hippodrome used during the Byzantine Empire. After the conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmet, the area became the center of the Ottoman Empire. Over time, the grand mosques, palaces, and cisterns built here have made Sultanahmet one of Istanbul’s most valuable cultural heritages. Places to Visit in Sultanahmet: Hagia Sophia As we detailed in our Hagia Sophia article, Hagia Sophia was built as a Byzantine church and later repurposed as an Ottoman mosque. Its dome, interior architecture, and historical artifacts are truly impressive. Sultanahmet Mosque (The Blue Mosque) The Sultanahmet Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque, was built in the 17th century by Sultan Ahmed I. It is one of Istanbul’s largest mosques, famous for its golden interior decorations and massive blue tiles. Topkapi Palace Topkapi Palace was the residence and administrative center of the Ottoman sultans for many years. It is a must-visit for its rich collections, stunning harem rooms, and traces of Ottoman cuisine. Basilica Cistern The Basilica Cistern is an underground water reservoir from the Byzantine period. The columns inside create a mysterious atmosphere, and the Medusa heads on the marble columns offer a magical experience to visitors. Sultanahmet Square Sultanahmet Square is located on the site of the ancient hippodrome. The square is a meeting point of both historical and modern Istanbul. It features historical structures such as the Obelisk and the Serpent Column. What to Eat in Sultanahmet? Sultanahmet is not only famous for its historical structures but also for its delicious Turkish cuisine. Places like Sultanahmet Köftecisi, famous kebab restaurants, and traditional eateries offer visitors a fantastic gastronomic experience. Food Recommendations: - Sultanahmet Köftecisi: Famous for its meatballs and piyaz. - Saray Muhallebicisi: A great option for traditional Turkish desserts like rice pudding, kazandibi, and keşkül. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. Do I need to buy tickets for historical sites in Sultanahmet? Yes, tickets are required for some places. For example, there is an entrance fee for Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia. The Sultanahmet Mosque, however, is always free to visit. 2. How much time should I allocate to visit the main sites in Sultanahmet? It is ideal to allocate 1-2 days to explore the main structures in Sultanahmet. However, if you plan to visit museums or palaces, you may need more time. 3. Where can I take photos in Sultanahmet Square? There are great photo opportunities in front of the Blue Mosque, around Hagia Sophia, and near the Basilica Cistern. Conclusion Sultanahmet is a must-visit for every traveler looking to explore Istanbul’s historical fabric. Structures like Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace have made this area one of the world’s most important cultural sites. If you’re visiting Istanbul, you must not leave without exploring Sultanahmet. Share your experiences about Sultanahmet in the comments!

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