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    |lutego 19, 2025
    |Tours & Activities - Istanbul

    Hagia Sophia: History, Architectural Details, and Visiting Guide (2025 Updated Information)

    Hagia Sophia, one of Istanbul’s most important historical structures, is one of the most visited buildings in the world due to its history, architecture, and cultural significance. Used as a church during the Byzantine period, a mosque during the Ottoman period, and a museum during the Republican era, Hagia Sophia was converted back into a mosque in 2020 and is now open for both worship and tourist visits.

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    Hagia Sophia, one of Istanbul’s most important historical structures, is one of the most visited buildings in the world due to its history, architecture, and cultural significance. Used as a church during the Byzantine period, a mosque during the Ottoman period, and a museum during the Republican era, Hagia Sophia was converted back into a mosque in 2020 and is now open for both worship and tourist visits. So, what is the history of Hagia Sophia? What are the current visiting hours and fees? Here’s everything you need to know about Hagia Sophia! A Brief History of Hagia Sophia The construction of Hagia Sophia was completed in 537 AD by the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I. The largest church of the Byzantine period, Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque after the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul in 1453. In 1935, it was turned into a museum by the decision of Atatürk, and in 2020, it was reconverted into a mosque. Today, Hagia Sophia is open to both Muslim worship and tourist visits. Key Milestones of Hagia Sophia - 537 AD: Built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. - 1453: Converted into a mosque by Fatih Sultan Mehmet. - 1935: Turned into a museum by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. - 2020: Reopened as a mosque. Architectural Features of Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia is a unique structure that combines Byzantine and Ottoman architecture. Its mosaics, dome design, minarets, and elements added during the Ottoman period are world-famous. Highlights of Hagia Sophia’s Architecture: - Massive Dome: One of the largest domes in the world, standing at 55.6 meters high. - Byzantine Mosaics: Golden mosaics from the Christian era. - Minarets: Four large minarets added during the Ottoman period. - Mihrab and Minbar: Structures added after its conversion into a mosque. Hagia Sophia as a Museum and Its Current Status Hagia Sophia was used as a museum between 1935 and 2020. However, in 2020, it was reconverted into a mosque, and entry became free. Visiting Information for Hagia Sophia (2025) - Entry Fee: Free - Visiting Hours: Open all day, but tourist access may be restricted during prayer times. - For a Quieter Visit: Early morning or after evening prayers is recommended. Lesser-Known Facts About Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia has some lesser-known historical secrets and legends! Here are a few: - Doomsday Legend: According to some beliefs, the tunnels beneath Hagia Sophia will remain closed until the final battle of Istanbul. - The Weeping Column (Wishing Column): A famous marble column where visitors make wishes and feel moisture. - Secret Tunnels: The tunnels beneath Hagia Sophia are believed to have been built as escape routes for Byzantine emperors. Conclusion Hagia Sophia is one of Istanbul’s most iconic structures and holds great historical significance. If you’re visiting Istanbul, Hagia Sophia is a must-see! Share your thoughts about Hagia Sophia in the comments! Follow us for more Istanbul travel guides!

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