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    Lerne die Bierkultur Rotterdams kennen und navigiere bei dieser Gruppentour mit dem Wasser durch die Stadt.

    Dauer: 6 Stunden - 9 Stunden
    Alter: 35 - 110
    guide 2
    Gruppengröße: 1 - 14 Person
    Live-Führer: English Turkish
    PickUp: Akar International Hotel,

    Lerne die Bierkultur Rotterdams kennen und navigiere bei dieser Gruppentour mit dem Wasser durch die Stadt. Reise mit Wassertaxis und zu Fuß zu verschiedenen lokalen Brauereien in der Stadt. Probiere handwerklich gebraute Biere mit dazu passenden Snacks in jeder Brauerei und erfahre von deinem Guide mehr über die Geschichte und Kultur der Stadt.

    • Schöner Ausblick
    • Familienfreundlich
    • Ruhige Nachbarschaft
    • Haustierfreundlich
    • Rollstuhlgerecht
    • Taktilkarten
    • Barrierefreie Sitzplätze
    • Barrierefreie Toiletten
    • Parkplatz verfügbar
    • Personalisierte Fotosession
    • Live-Unterhaltung
    • Getränke inbegriffen
    Erwachsener (18 - 65) €199,50
    Baby (0 - 3) €17,10
    Kind (4 - 12) €85,50
    Student (12 - 18) €66,50
    Senior (+65) €950,95
    Gesamtzahl der Personen : ( )
    • Rotterdam Centraal Station
    From here we will visit four breweries, drink their beers and taste some delicious snacks as well. On the way we will take two watertaxi rides on the Maas, that will give you a unique view of the city and show you some of the old and new harbours.
    • Fenix Food Factory Nico Koomanskade 1025, 3072 LM Rotterdam, Netherlands
    After our second boat trip we have our final beer in this cool indoor market with a terrace.
    We will meet you right in front of the Markthal. We will meet you right in front of the Markthal.
    Some placeholder content for the collapse component. This panel is hidden by default but revealed when the user activates the relevant trigger.
    Some placeholder content for the collapse component. This panel is hidden by default but revealed when the user activates the relevant trigger.
    Bewertungen (11)
    (1,8 / 5)
    (1,9 / 5)
    (1,9 / 5)
    (1,8 / 5)
    Emre Aleyna
    08.12.2024 17:45:43

    easy to redeem but a person in front took the card and walked off quickly when the card came out. advised that when you put the card in , allow the person in front of you to leave the gate first. because of this, I lost the whole value of card and I have the buy individual tickets for rest of trips including Shinkansen. have written to Klook hopefully can refund.

    Emre Aleyna
    20.11.2024 00:25:55

    If you’re staying for more than 7 days and wants to explore not just tokyo osaka or kyoto this is worth it, unli shinkansen ride easy reservation for seats and free rides in some trains but still worth it. I was able to go to Nagoya, Shizuoka, Kamakura, Enoshima, Kyoto, Nara and some part of Sapporo all with reserved seats in the shinkansen. Will buy again for my next trip.

    Abdülsamet Kaymak
    16.11.2024 15:55:39

    Investing in a JR Train Pass is absolutely worth your money. Traveling around Japan on the Shinkansen can be costly, but with the JR Pass, you can save significantly while fully enjoying the stunning beauty of this incredible country. We experienced the true value of train travel with our JR Train Pass, allowing us to visit remarkable locations such as Sapporo, Hiroshima, Osaka, Kyoto, Shizuoka and Yokohama. Additionally, we enjoyed free train rides back and forth from my brother's home in Tokyo until our JR Pass expired. Don't miss out on this opportunity to travel affordably and conveniently throughout Japan!

    Abdülsamet Kaymak
    16.11.2024 16:23:06

    I ordered it on a Friday and it arrived the following week on Wednesday. It arrived quickly. It is easily redeemed at the beginning at a JR station office at Narita airport. It has worked perfectly for me and has opened my mind to go to new places. If you are planning to go on your trip to Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Shirakawago, Nagoya, Nara, etc. This is a good idea for you. It even includes a boat to see the floating Torii.

    Abdülsamet Kaymak
    16.11.2024 16:34:17

    Still a great value pass. I highly recommend getting it if you're visiting Japan for a month and plan to travel to many cities for day trips. you'll get your movies worth if you can plan you routes to use JR lines.

    14.11.2024 21:02:28

    Müşteri hizmetleri çok ilgili. Aklıma takılan sorulara hızlıca dönüş yaptılar. Kullanıcı dostu bir platform!

    yorum puan
    yorum puan yorum puan
    08.12.2024 17:44:51

    easy to redeem but a person in front took the card and walked off quickly when the card came out. advised that when you put the card in , allow the person in front of you to leave the gate first. because of this, I lost the whole value of card and I have the buy individual tickets for rest of trips including Shinkansen. have written to Klook hopefully can refund.

    17.11.2024 21:26:58

    given our itinerary, we used shinkansens and express trains everyday. so the JR Pass was super worth it -- convenience wise and money wise. it would have been more worth it if our trip was not shortened by 4 days. we were able to use the 14 days pass for 10 days only.

    EmreTest EmreTest
    20.11.2024 23:50:48

    easy to redeem but a person in front took the card and walked off quickly when the card came out. advised that when you put the card in , allow the person in front of you to leave the gate first. because of this, I lost the whole value of card and I have the buy individual tickets for rest of trips including Shinkansen. have written to Klook hopefully can refund.

    17.11.2024 14:56:44

    This is a go to transpo when visiting Japan. We’ve used the pass multiple times during the 7 days stay, from sapporo to osaka to kyoto! This is a great value for money. It is also great if you would like to visit different prefectures without the hassle of buying tickets everytime you board the trains.

    Emre Aleyna
    20.11.2024 00:27:51

    I’ve always bought my Japan rail pass from Klook as they deliver the pass fast and it’s trustworthy. Save us from the hassle of going down to a travel agent to buy the voucher. exchange voucher for the pass at the airport when you reached and you can use it instantly or anytime you wanted. do check the cost of Shinkansen so that you know it’s worth it to buy the pass cos JR has greatly

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